

From a young age, I have been sensitive to outside energies but didn’t realize I was an empath. Throughout my life, I’ve always had a soul guidance to help people without knowing why. 

Destiny threw me a curve ball with a personal trauma that changed my whole perspective on life. That trauma occurred when my 1st wife was diagnosed with stage 4-colon cancer and she soon passed away due to her advanced condition.

This humbling experience became a blessing in disguise that jump-started my healing journey. Compassionate healers empowered my heart and soul with Divine Love. I left their sessions with deep sense of peace and serenity that raised my vibrations.

Today, I am grateful to be in service for Creator and want to help others achieve holistic balance in life with Divine Love.  

A holistic healing practitioner since 1994, I use Psychic readings, Ki healing, various meditation styles, sound therapies and Ki kinesiology to assist in promoting client wellness. I offer in person, phone or Skype/Facetime options to provide services. I have worked with clients from Hawaii, United States, Canada, Japan and various international countries. 

Call Dudley to consult about your concerns.